Ryan Walters has drawn some more press in Oklahoma over a trip to DC to appear at the Family Research Council Summit in DC. Say one thing for Oklahoma's education dudebro-in-chief; while there may be plenty of officials out there who want to see the nation's education system christianized, Walters is plenty clear about what he wants.
Religious “freedom” of the right wing zealots means their freedom to impose their religion on everyone else. Choice means the freedom to choose the values and version of history of those same zealots and exclusion of all else.
I wonder how Dilley (is that a descriptive name?) feels about the age of the earth. Does his one-man-religion accept science?
Let's not forget about freedom from any faith, too.
Whole lot of folks go about their lives without referencing any skypeople.
Religious “freedom” of the right wing zealots means their freedom to impose their religion on everyone else. Choice means the freedom to choose the values and version of history of those same zealots and exclusion of all else.
Walters has strong ties to a PAC, OCPAC, and a group called City Elders here in OK. Didn't know about his new visit to DC.