The standout line in this article, for me, is that Kevin Huffman spent a whopping 3 years in the classroom. Such hubris to assume that after 3 years in the classroom, one is fully experienced to "turn around" an entire school district of low-performing schools. Barbic was arrogant too, but at least he finally caught on. It's not the teachers' fault! There are larger socio-economic issues here. And, yes, poverty is a major factor.
The standout line in this article, for me, is that Kevin Huffman spent a whopping 3 years in the classroom. Such hubris to assume that after 3 years in the classroom, one is fully experienced to "turn around" an entire school district of low-performing schools. Barbic was arrogant too, but at least he finally caught on. It's not the teachers' fault! There are larger socio-economic issues here. And, yes, poverty is a major factor.