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You sound like one of those woke types, sir, which prevents you from seeing things correctly. I don't hate you; I pity you. But I am a Christian, so let me help you. It's not your fault; you probably went to some ghastly public school where you learned all people were created equal and the government is forbidden from discriminating against or excluding any person from exercising their rights regardless of their gender, religion, class, sexuality, etc. You were taught wrongly by a bunch of liberal hippies. Their time is over. We are Making America Moral Again (MAMA). Don't mess with the MAMAs. Join us in protecting the children from ever being exposed to ideas that make them question the lessons passed down by their moral guides. Cloistered virtue and blind faith, sir. THAT is our credo. And, of course, very sharp throat slicing blades for those who cannot abide by the TRUE American Way!

As you noted, this event took place in New Hampshire, and New Hampshire, in a show of solidarity with our morally righteous movement has revised their logo: "Give me freedom to slit the throat of all the liberal hippies trying to corrupt our children." Not as snappy as the original, perhaps, but I think you get the point.

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