I was a classroom teacher for more than 35 years, in public and private schools. I also served as a NH State Rep for 6 terms, ending in 2022. My last term, I served on the Education Committee. You may be familiar with our current Education Commissioner, Frank Edelblut--just reappointed to his second five-year term as commissioner--who had no background credentials in education, and who homeschooled his 7 children. He is the proud supporter of our way over budget EFA voucher scam. He brought Prenda to NH (and also PragerU, but that's another story for another time.)

Here is one of my biggest concerns with all of this.

Although anyone who works in NH public schools, as well as those operating a state-licensed private childcare or preschool, must go through rigorous criminal background checks for employment, those in private schools, religious schools, homeschools, and Prenda pods ARE NOT SO REQUIRED! Some do background-check their employees, but they cannot use the rigorous FBI background checks public schools used, as those can only be requested by local and state governments.

My Democratic colleagues and I fought hard to make background checks required for anyone who works with groups of children, especially those who work alone with them as would be done with those pods or micro-schools. Each time our bills have been voted down by the Republican majority as being too onerous. Home school and private school parents "trust" those folks, it seems.

Seems to me like a perfect set-up for predators to take advantage of--alone with a group of kids in their home. It makes me nuts!

PS--I really enjoy your writings.

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How widespread are microschools? Chris Sununu used $5.6 million in federal COVID funds to pump them up in NH. Then the state cut $40% of the funding. Why? "Prenda established 35 community-led learning pods across the state, which currently serve 212 students, according to the department.".

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