You can almost guarantee that someone who calls themselves moderate is someone who refuses to recognize where their positions come from. In a lot of cases, I think it's an easy way to not reflect deeply and spend time learning about the issues you care about. If you can listen to whoever you consider to be "conservative" and whoever you consider to be "liberal" and then say "both sound reasonable" and make an answer out of that, you can avoid actually understanding the issues yourself.

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The point about child hunger is appalling. How about: It's wrong that kids go hungry, so we support free school meals for all kids.

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“Remember that, so far, we have maintained that lead without improving our test score ranking.” This is a key point for me. It seems like everyone who wants to change “failing schools” wants to do it without giving up things like standardized testing that have been around forever without helping anything. They may want to open a charter school with conservative material, but the basic structure of the traditional classroom is still prevalent. IMO, real change won't come unless we rethink EVERYTHING about the way we've done school for the last 100 years.

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