I thought we had cataloged and complained about all of the results from the nation's implementation of the Common Core, but lately I've begun to suspect that there's one more. The Common Core moved the Overton Window on the subject of state-imposed curriculum and instruction.
Please keep explaining why the curriculum is so horrible and that it’s not the fault of the teachers. It’s the fault of Common Core in the buy into it by over paid administrators.
Spot on, Peter. The project to destroy our autonomy and undermine our professionalism was not a one-off effort. These folks have two things to pursue their agenda, that teachers are short of, time and money.
Please keep explaining why the curriculum is so horrible and that it’s not the fault of the teachers. It’s the fault of Common Core in the buy into it by over paid administrators.
Spot on, Peter. The project to destroy our autonomy and undermine our professionalism was not a one-off effort. These folks have two things to pursue their agenda, that teachers are short of, time and money.