From the first mad March moment of 2019 2020, when states decided to shut down schools for a couple of weeks while this whole COVID thing blew over, McKinsey, the 800 pound gorilla of the consulting world, has been all over pandemic's golden opportunity with a variety of ideas about A)
I mean, of course they have - McKinsey makes money from EVERYTHING! Esp. in the education world, where policymakers are eager to hire consultants rather than, you know, actual educators. There's an entire industry - TNTP/TFA come to mind - based on "adding value" to existing school systems when all they really do is TAKE taxpayer money and deliver high salaries for themselves.
"From the first mad March moment of 2019..."
Should be 2020, ¿que no?
Yup. Sometimes it all seems much longer than it actually was.
Thank you for saying everything I think in a much funnier way.
I mean, of course they have - McKinsey makes money from EVERYTHING! Esp. in the education world, where policymakers are eager to hire consultants rather than, you know, actual educators. There's an entire industry - TNTP/TFA come to mind - based on "adding value" to existing school systems when all they really do is TAKE taxpayer money and deliver high salaries for themselves.
Well, they said they'd add value. They didn't say they wouldn't simultaneously extract it.