This is some interesting data - and it gets to the point that compensation matters - a lot. I love when consultants study public education, lament the low pay, and then suggest doing "non-pay" things to attract/retain educators. Yes, some other supports would be helpful, too. But, ignoring pay is both typical and highly problematic.
I feel like meaningful work can also be a side-effect of well-staffed schools where teachers have time to actually get to know the students and provide extra support when needed, rather than constant testing and administrative reporting. I suspect they "have no idea what to do with it", because they have constrained themselves to the technocratic paradigm of only proposing "realistic" solutions. Therefore they couldn't possibly suggest higher pay or better working conditions because those would require a wider effort to shift the status quo.
This is some interesting data - and it gets to the point that compensation matters - a lot. I love when consultants study public education, lament the low pay, and then suggest doing "non-pay" things to attract/retain educators. Yes, some other supports would be helpful, too. But, ignoring pay is both typical and highly problematic.
I feel like meaningful work can also be a side-effect of well-staffed schools where teachers have time to actually get to know the students and provide extra support when needed, rather than constant testing and administrative reporting. I suspect they "have no idea what to do with it", because they have constrained themselves to the technocratic paradigm of only proposing "realistic" solutions. Therefore they couldn't possibly suggest higher pay or better working conditions because those would require a wider effort to shift the status quo.