Whenever the topic of naughty lefty teachers indoctrinating impressionable young minds comes up, I think of Lois Anthony. It was the fall of 1972. Richard Nixon was up against George McGovern, and the election was all about Viet Nam, where things were not going so well. The draft was still in place (though it would be gone shortly), so the war felt pretty personal. There was political unrest in the country, and not the picturesque flowers-in-gun-barrels late-sixties type, but the ugly shooting
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I Was A Teenage Indoctrinee
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Whenever the topic of naughty lefty teachers indoctrinating impressionable young minds comes up, I think of Lois Anthony. It was the fall of 1972. Richard Nixon was up against George McGovern, and the election was all about Viet Nam, where things were not going so well. The draft was still in place (though it would be gone shortly), so the war felt pretty personal. There was political unrest in the country, and not the picturesque flowers-in-gun-barrels late-sixties type, but the ugly shooting