This is really important for teachers to understand, there is rarely any consistency in the findings of the evidence organizations or guru's - the WWC, EEF, Marzano, Hattie... If I was going to trust anything i would trust the WWC. It has a transparent quality control protocols& it does not have financial conflicts of interest unlike Hattie & Marzano. The WWC also finds there is very little good evidence for most innervations in Education which means we should trust teachers in the classroom more.

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The best researched computer-assisted literacy program as per the WWC is Fast ForWord, which has more studies than all others combined. NO one ever talks about that fact, and I wonder why. It is based out of Stanford on real neuroscience, putting it in a class by itself. Yet, I guess teachers and admins are not scientists and cannot be educated as such. Ignorance predominates the literacy question with no hope whatsoever this will change, or even be noticed.

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