This is so nauseating. I wonder if Rufo studied the master Frank Luntz, with all the weaselly propaganda word choices he uses to paint the enemy as malevolent and his side as hard-working saints.

I have mixed feelings about some of the ideas associated with CRT, but as I learn more about Rufo, I become skeptical about whether everything I’ve even heard is true. But even a CRT I’m not entirely on board with doesn’t justify his over-the-top narrative.

I’m always worried when these fresh-faced demagogues come along, expertly using propaganda and creating what is or will be a big lucrative career for himself as the big hero driving the barbarians out.

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Well that was a terrifying read.

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Reads like Steve Bannon using Goebbels' rubric. All we are doing is something like "Gotta nip it in the bud, Andy." "Yes Barney, yes we do."

No, we've the tools and the wherewithal to beat this honestly and fairly, i.e. truly liberal mud will be flung, citing the quality and success of the students in the past and the the disaster now on going. Clear message. Be "ruthless and brutal in pursuit of something good." Look at the photos of DeSantis in the last debate. He looked like a wanted poster for the state's leading child abuser. Which of course he is, along with his pseudo-christian backers; giving Jesus a bad name day after weary day. Of course, we can count on the NRA to assist in providing diversionary cover in the form of additional LEOs in school conducting active shooter drills and lockdowns. Creating a continuing, future market to paranoid public school graduates for "defensive "firearms to protect against the ubiquitous "them". It goes on...and these child abusers get away with it. Next thing will be G4S taking over the school security and disciplinary classes...pipe-lining identified candidates to private DOC sanctioned juvenile facilities. Felix Colvin

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