Not all school days are created equal.
The beginning of the school year is occupied with re-acclimation. Students learn what new routines and requirements the new year holds. Teachers learn about their new students: what they know, who they are, what their strengths and weaknesses will be. And just as students and teachers start to settle into the dynamic for the year, the Thanksgiving-through-New Years holiday stretch upends any routine.
Right now, as students head back from the winter break, classrooms enter a period that is the heart of the school year. Students and teachers have laid a foundation for getting the work of education done and built their working relationship for the rest of the year. In September, students were nervously heading off to a strange new setting. In January, if all has gone well, they are excitedly returning to a familiar place.
How do families best support students during these important months?
Now is the time to pull out all those advice listicles from the first day of school. When possible, send your student to school well-fed, well-equipped, and well-rested. All of the classic advice still applies.
YES! January is my favorite month to teach :)