Pennsylvania Taxpayers Are Subsidizing Discrimination At Private And Religious Voucher Schools
My latest for the Bucks County Beacon (with no paywall). Here’s just an excerpt.
As noted above, we do have a listing of participating schools. Education Voters of Pennsylvania has just released a report that looks at those schools and what researchers found is a pattern of discrimination – not quiet or subtle discrimination – but discrimination that is clearly laid out in school policies. Discrimination based on LGBTQ+ status, disability, academics, religion, and pregnancy. Discrimination, in short, that would never be allowed in the public school system, and yet discrimination that is funded, via vouchers, by taxpayers.
Ed Voters selected every fourth school on the list of OTSC voucher schools. Of those, they were able to evaluate 159. Of those they found:
– 100% had policies in place that could be used to discriminate against students.
– 89% of the schools are religious.
– More than half discriminate based on disability. More than half can discriminate based on academic ability or performance. Nearly half discriminate based on religion. One in five explicitly discriminates against LGBTQ+ students.
– And more than 80% have policies that allow them to refuse admittance to a student who is not the “right fit.”
Here are just a few samples of the discrimination the Ed Voters found in their research.
Many families of students with special needs are rightly frustrated with how public schools struggle to meet the requirement to provide an appropriate education for their child. But many private schools do not recognize that requirement at all.
A student whose academic or social-emotional needs exceed a regular classroom may be denied admission. All admissions are offered on a 30 day probationary period to determine if the school can meet the academic, social and emotional needs of the student.
–St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, Harrisburg
In other words, we reserve the right to decide that your student is going to be too much of a challenge.
Please understand that C.C.A. may not be able to meet the needs of learning disabled children or accommodate students having special needs. C.C.A.cannot implement existing IEPs.
–Cheswick Christian Academy, Cheswick
If your special needs student has a state-mandated Individualized Education Program, you will have to give that up to attend here.
The Academy is not equipped for teaching students that might need special education or might have behavior problems. Students in need of special care are referred by parents or school personnel to the local public school district.
–Al Aqsa Academy, Philadelphia
Note this addresses not just special needs, but behavioral issues. If your child gives us too much trouble, we’re going to send you back to public school. Many of these schools may be Christian, but they do not feel any mission to minister to students with special needs.
Many of these schools erect academic barriers to admission, like the Pittsburgh Christian Academy, which states that they “generally enroll students who are average or above average in ability and achievement.” Many also require screening exams as part of the application process.
Pregnancy and Abortion
It’s unsurprising that the Harrisburg Diocese states that “any student who promotes, procures, actively assists, or performs an abortion shall be dismissed.” Other schools go a step further. Dayspring Christian Academy considers pregnancy a “Level 3 offense,” which will be “handled directly by the Headmaster, the grade level Principal, and the Police (if necessary).”
And Clearfield Christian School promises not only “immediate expulsion,” they will also suspend the student on suspicion of pregnancy “until medical proof is present.”
That’s just the tip of the discriminatory iceberg. Read the full piece here.
School vouchers were expressly designed to facilitate discrimination. The reason a private school has so much lower per-pupil costs is that private schools can expel. Public schools have great per-pupil costs if you eliminate all the disabilities from the equation, as well as the non-disabled troublemakers.
School vouchers were always just a way to suck at the public tit.