Moms For Liberty Continue Working For Team DeSantis
I'm old enough to remember when Moms for Liberty claimed to be non-partisan. Now they aren't even pretending to be neutral within the GOP.
Last year's M4L summit in Tampa featured an appearance by Ron DeSantis. He spoke, and they awarded him with a Sword of Justice and their endorsement for the gubernatorial race. And he hasn't forgottenĀ them.
When it was time for DeSantis to draw up another hit list of school board members that he wanted to see defeated come election time, he huddled up with House Speaker Paul Renner, Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, and Moms for Liberty co-founders Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice.
And when he recently appointed some members to a committee to oversee Disney, with the sort-of-promise that the committee might help make Disney stop with all the wokeness and get back to the kind of good family values that involve keeping everyone in their proper place (aka "invisible" for LGBTQ persons)--well, turns out that committee includes Bridget Ziegler.
Ron DeSantis thinks she's swell. And she's married to Christian Ziegler, who just decided not to run for re-election to a county commissioner seat because he'll be busy helping his wife and DeSantis each run their own campaigns (that and new rules that would have made it harder for him to win). Mr. Ziegler has some other gigs as well-- vice chairman of the Republican Party of Florida and head of his consulting firm Microtargeted Media LLC.
Christian Ziegler told the Washington Post that he has been "trying for 20- and 30-year old females involved with the Republican Party, and it was a heavy lift to get that demographic. But now Moms for Liberty has done it for me."
M4L has pretty much completed its transformation into a group of political operatives. Not entirely surprising given that their tale of being just a bunch of moms who raised money via t-shirts sales was always baloney. These moms are about political power, both collecting it and exerting it, and Ron DeSantis is positioning himself to be their primary beneficiary.