ICYMI: One Hour Less Edition (3/12)
Thank goodness for all the computerized timekeepers, set so nobody has to remember anything. For the record, we at the Institute are in favor of the time change, because the board of directors believe it's okay to get the rest of us up when the sky lights up, and that's starting to get a little early in the day, thanks.
Slimmer list than usual this week, but still some choice bits from the world of education.
Thinking about Teachers at the Table
Nancy Flanagan takes a look at the issues surrounding the presence of teachers at the policy table, and how Michigan is starting to get things right again.
Why are so few Black men teachers in New York City?
Amaya McDonald asks one of the big questions (and talks to Jose Luis Vilson along the way).
How Child Labor Violations Have Quadrupled Since 2015
NPR offers a podcast about the rise in child labor violations. Extra interesting right now, since a bunch of red legislatures are suddenly super-interested in weakening child labor laws.
Adults complained about a teen theater production and the show's creators stepped in
There had been speculation that administration in Middlefield, Ohio had shut down a student production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee because it mention gay persons. Turns out things were worse than that, but a compromise was worked out.
Who Gets to Decide What Students Read?
Anne Lutz Fernandez points out that critics of public education can't decide whether they just don't know what's going on in school, or they know too much (and hate it).
When Students Cheat, They Only Hurt Themselves
Stevem Singer with some thoughts about cheating and reminders that students are more inclined to cheat on what they consider to be a waste of their time.
Will The Senate Ignore the Cost of SB202 on Public Education?
Florida, leading the way for education privatization, looks at spending a huge amount of money on vouchers. Accountabaloney has some of the figures.
Neo-Nazi Homeschoolers Could Be Paid $22,000 to Teach Their Kids About Hitler
Yes, that Ohio backpack bill could absolutely direct a bunch of money to neo-nazi homeschoolers.