ICYMI: Memorial Day Washout Edition (5/26)
No parade tomorrow, which is a bummer, but the incoming weather has spooked the parade's organizers. Won't feel quite right without the annual march down our main street, but sometimes the weather just can't be ignored. Have a good weekend, and here's a whole big lot of reading for you.
The Texas School District That Provided the Blueprint for an Attack on Public Education
From the New Yorker, by Jessica Winter. I'm reading Mike Hixenbaugh's book about Southlake, and you should, too, but in the meantime, here's a quick overview of the events that turned out to be the cutting edge of the new wave of culture panic.
Segregation Academies Still Operate Across the South. One Town Grapples With Its Divided Schools.
For ProPublica, Jennifer Berry Hawes travels to Camden, Alabama to remind us that that thing we like to think we don't do any more, we absolutely still do.
Tacoma teachers, students demand school district take care of 'rodent infestation'
A reminder that sometimes the issues of education on the ground are not big, deep policy questions.
FAQ: Education Savings Accounts and private school tuition in Iowa
Last month Jason Fontana and Jennifer Jennings published a working paper showing that vouchers led direction to tuition increases in Iowa. That was followed by a bunch of privatizers complaining, "but-but-but..." So here are the answers to all of those objections.
Evidence That KIPP Is Still Abusing Students
At Schools Matter, James Horn points to a new case that suggests KIPP hasn't entirely cleaned up their act.
If You Give The Moms A Majority…
In Florida, Sue Kingery Woltanski with a close-up look at one district where the board has gone off the rails, thanks to Moms for Liberty and their good buddy Ron DeSantis.
Columbus school board members at odds over leaked task force document
If your plan is to screw over your teachers and gaslight your constituents, maybe you shouldn't write the plan down.
John Warner in Inside Higher Education writes about the student search for meaning and for money. Fun tidbit: "selling out" is no longer a thing.
Jose Luis Vilson on math and society and much more.
How Arizona’s school voucher program turned into a tax break for the wealthy
Copper Courier with a simple, brief overview of Arizona's voucher boondoggle.
Horticulture, horses and ‘Chill Rooms’: One district goes all-in on mental health support
Javeria Salman visits Pittsburgh's Northgate district for Hechinger. A look at a big time investment in mental health supports for students.
Black Teachers Matter. Why Aren’t Schools Trying to Keep Them?
Shariff El-Mekki addresses the issue of retaining Black teachers and offers some resources.
Conservative groups stand in way of governor’s private-school vouchers
Sam Stockard for Tennessee Lookout describes the terrain in Tennessee when it heads into the next round of headbutting over vouchers.
Feeding La. Gov Landry’s Universal School Voucher GATOR
Louisiana has its own push to expand and extend vouchers (plus a snappy name). The indispensable Mercedes Schneider has the story.
Moms for Liberty to spend over $3 million targeting presidential swing state voters
Somebody (they'd rather not say who) has given M4L a cool $3 million to go help the GOP win swing states, further fulfilling their role as conservative political operatives.
Vouchers undermine efforts to provide an excellent public education for all
From the Economic Policy Institute, a pretty direct analysis of what vouchers do and do not do.
Under Ryan Walters, Oklahoma lost federal funding to help schools respond to tragedies
Walters continues to be not good at his job.
Ryan Walters’ PR Contract Should Be Banned, GOP Lawmaker Says
Meanwhile, members of his own party think maybe taxpayers should be bankrolling his personal PR campaign.
How a Lancaster charity linked to a private Christian college influences public school policy in Pa.
Here in PA, the Independence Law Center has been the one stop shop for districts that want to ban books and make culture panic policy. Here's one piece of the puzzle of where they get their money.
Pennsylvania Treasurer candidate pledges to “fight” school vouchers
1) She articulates an absolute hard stand against vouchers in PA. 2) Look, vouchers are an issue in a non-education state race.
How Community Schools are Transforming Public Education
In The Public Interest with a look at the community schools movement and what's going on these days. It would make a good model for true public education.
‘Scary’: public-school textbooks the latest target as US book bans intensify
From The Guardian. Now they're coming after chapters in textbooks, like the chapters about vaccines and climate change.
The Schools Where the Western Canon Is King
Kiera Butler for Mother Jones takes a look at the classical schools movement and its ties to certain brands of conservatism.
The movement to use "chaplains" to sneak Christianity into schools has stirred up opposition among actual chaplains. Jan Resseger has the story.
Benjamin Riley's substack Cognitive Resonance is a new addition to the Curmudgucation Institute blogroll, with lots worthwhile to say regarding AI in education. Plus in this one he quotes me.
My dying high school writing teacher has one more lesson. Don't wait to say thank you.
Rex Huppke with a personal piece in USA Today. I agree. Don't wait.
A Reporter's Guide To The New Apostolic Reformation
You'll see NAR pop up more and more, a dominionist hard-core far right christianist movement. This guide from Religious Dispatches covers the basics.
Clarence Thomas attacks Brown v. Board ruling amid 70th anniversary
Want something else to worry about for the future? How about a Supreme Court justice who thinks Brown v. Board is a mistake that needs to be reversed.
A Message From Your Child’s New ChatGPTchr©
Jay Wamsted envisions a whole new first day of school.
I was busy this week. Not one, but two pieces about a new report from Ed Voters PA showing waste in PA's cyber charters. A nice focused one for Forbes, and for Bucks County Beacon, a deeper dive that looks at the historical context of cyber-shenanigans.
Also for Forbes, in Idaho, the attacks on libraries has led to at least one public library becoming adults only.
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