ICYMI: It's Almost Winter Edition (11/18)
Wednesday officially kicks things off for the next season of the year, and we're getting the snow this weekend to set the scene. Hope you've got your shopping mostly done. Here's the reading for the week.
Lessons from stopping Stop WOKE
Little bit late on catching this, but it's worth a look. The ACLU lists its main lessons to be learned from putting the brakes on Florida's Stop WOKE Act.
About that Florida plan to put vets in the classroom
From Military news. Turns out the big hot idea to get armed forces veterans and spouses into classrooms has underperformed. Number of military teachers under this plan? 7.
Missouri school district votes to adopt 4-day school week
From the "Yeah, that's a thing that's happening out there" file, one more district goes for the four day week.
There’s a Reason There Aren’t Enough Teachers in America. Many Reasons, Actually.
This New York Times op-ed has changed headlines a few times, but the point remains the same--hammering teachers may not have been the best way to improve the profession. By Thomas B. Edsall.
Perry Township board unanimously votes to end school choice in district
Not really choice exactly--just choosing schools within the district. But it was buses. It came down to a shortage of bus drivers.
A critique of a GAO report on charter schools
The GAO had issued a report on the federal charter grant program, and it wasn't a very good look for charters. Turns out that the reality is even worse than the GAO showed. Carol Burris at Valerie Strauss's Answer Sheet at the Washington Post.
Does diversity training work? We don’t know — and here is why.
Also at the Washington Post. Not exactly education-related, except that it is. Diversity training might not be changing the world (also, sun expected to rise in West tomorrow).
From The Progressive, a look at how one North Carolina district dealt with their right wing candidates.
Thousands of Teens Are Being Pushed Into Military’s Junior R.O.T.C.
From the New York Times, a look at how the military have upped their recruiting at high schools (spoiler alert: not the ones in wealthy neighborhoods)
A well-informed citizenry: fact vs. fiction in American media, then and now
Derek Black, lawyer, scholar, author (Schoolhouse Burning), and friend of the Institute, gave a TED talk. Check it out.
At Forbes this week I wrote about the hot net chatbot.