There's some new research out, and for whatever reason, folks like Jay Mathews insist on framing it as a victory for grade retention. Instead, it tells us mostly what we already knew.
Thestudy comes courtesy of the folks at Fordham Institute and was carried out by two researchers(an economist and a statistician) from RAND. Here's the key couple of sentences:
For example, recent studies from Florida, Indiana, Mississippi, Chicago, and New York City provide evidence that grade retention in elementary school (generally in grades 3–5), when implemented as part of a broader remediation effort, can increase test scores through middle school and reduce the need for future remediation.
I'm not going to try to dissect the research itself, though it carries an air redolent of the confusion between correlation and causation, and its major data sampling comes from Florida, where testocratic baloney runs rampant. What I am going to do is to drop back into English teacher mode, because there's an important lesson here in the difference between independent and dependent clauses and how these are useful tools in framing.
In this case, we've buried the whole business in a larger dependent clause, but within that clause, the relationships still hold. Here's the main clause:
grade retention in elementary school (generally in grades 3–5)...can increase test scores through middle school and reduce the need for future remediation
And the subordinate clause
when implemented as part of a broader remediation effort
That placement allows Mathews and Fordham and others to frame this research as a vindication of grade retention policy, while downplaying the critical piece of policy. the piece that, in fact, teachers regular complain is missing from retention policies.
The researchers and everyone writing about them could just have easily written this sentence:
Broad remediation efforts, which may include grade retention, can increase test scores through middle school and reduce the need for future remediation.
That would arguably be a more honest framing, since it's the broad remediation efforts and not the actual retention that matter. They are absolutely critical, because otherwise you're just separating students from their friends, subjecting them to the embarrassment of Being Held Back, and just parking them in the same desk in hopes that something clicks this time. In more devious states, leaders aren't even hoping something clicks; they just want to hold the student in place for a year and then jump the student two years, conveniently skipping over the year in which this low-achieving student would have taken the state's Big Standardized Test (the secret of "miracles" in more than one state).
The study does note that trying the retention trick in middle school correlates with poor results all around. They don't really have a theory of why, but I'd guess that by then the same trajectory that results in failing middle school classes is the trajectory that doesn't lead one to other school-flavored successes.
So why frame this research around the retention and not the support? It could be that retention (particularly in third grade) is a popular policy among non-education policy makers. It's simple, and it's way cheaper than sending schools the resources they need for broad support. It also appeals to the rising tide of competency based learning advocates, who can say, as Daniel Domenech does to Mathews, “if students were taught at the level that they are at and allowed to progress as they achieve mastery, there would be no need to retain them.”
Flunking 8 and 9 year olds because they didn't pass a Big Standardized Test is easy; giving additional supports and resources to students in poor and under-resourced schools is hard. "Flunk everyone who didn't make the cut score," is quick and simple. Broad support systems require investments of time, money, and staffing. And, of course, the retention is a hot new reform idea, while the broad support for students who need it has been the request of teachers since the invention of dirt.
Maybe this research is solid, or maybe it's just well-packed baloney. I'm not going to get into that now (though my suspicions have a first name). But even if this is legit, the framing of it is irresponsible; it's a sleight of hand trick aimed at getting you to pick the card they want you to pick. Whenever someone brings up this report, ask them why they didn't write the sentence the other way.
You are 100% correct. I am a recently retired district level administrator in a Florida district. Retention of students in 3rd grade does not solve the problem and, as you indicated, if they just repeat 3rd grade without targeted intervention, it’s likely nothing will change. Rather, intensive reading support and continually progress monitoring can and does improve students’ reading skills. Generally, 3rd grade struggling readers need intensive support into middle school and, if focused appropriately, students can achieve proficiency before they leave middle school. The goal should be to enter 9th grade on level so that students can continue in the regular curriculum without having to take even more intensive support classes rather than interesting electives. The challenge for teachers and administrators is to identify effective, specific intervention and implement it effectively. That can be very challenging, if appropriate support isn’t provided for teachers. By that I mean small group/class size, focused curriculum, and ongoing progress monitoring. When I worked with teachers and school administrators, we preferred to call this an acceleration model, not a remedial model. Students deserve a positive approach that emphasizes their strengths and focuses on expending their strengths. Kids know when they are lacking skills and want to learn and achieve. I truly hate it when we label kids when they are 8-9 years old because they didn’t hit the accepted target on a standardized test that, in my mind, is unreasonably long, boring and stressful for them.
It seems like the remediation/retention debate tends to ignore the big red flag - we’re pushing kids into academics at earlier & earlier ages that may not be developmentally appropriate. No matter how much we may want to go fast, if you try to build the house before the foundational concrete has properly set, bad things happen.