A Civics Website Aims To Extend Its Educational Reach
From Forbes:
As people call for more and better civics education in this country, a national civics engagement website is ready to launch a new state based initiative.
In fall of 2020, A Starting Point was launched by its founders, actor/producer Mark Kassen, techno-entrepreneur Joe Kiani, and Marvel Cinematic Universe star Chris Evans.
ASP has focused on getting content out, particularly to the younger audience, and without the steady helping of hyperbole and fiery conflict that often comes through traditional media. On the website, visitors can see elected officials provide simple, straightforward explainers about the issues of the day. Currently one can visit the site and see Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) talk about preparing for retirement or Dean Phillips (R-MN) address opioid overdoses in school, and a host of other topics, from sea turtles to concert ticket prices to child care for working parents.
In a phone interview, Kassen told me “People want direct information from elected officials,” and the website provides that without commentary or flash (most of the videos are made, selfie-style, at the lawmakers’ desk). It’s professional, but focused on content, not flashy format.
So far ASP has been focused on federal lawmakers, but ASP is expanding, and on Tuesday, they announce a new initiative called State of Play, which will extend their nonpartisan educational content efforts to the state level.